RSVPify requires at least one email address per RSVP or registration so that we can send your guests a confirmation email.
You can optionally choose to require an email address and send confirmation emails to ALL guests in a given RSVP or registration. This can be managed from the settings of your RSVP or registration block:
Go to Setup > Form Builder
Open the settings of your primary block
Open the settings of a given ticket tier or attendance response and enable the email requirement and confirmation emails for all guests.
We take your privacy and that of your guests very seriously, and we will never directly email your guests -- with the exception of sending them a confirmation of their RSVP if you have this setting enabled. All of your guest's information is strictly private and is accessible only to you and senior support staff (in the event you need our assistance with anything).
Keywords: require email, include email address, one email, forced to provide, require to include, require guests
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